Friday, November 12, 2010

owl love

I've had a thing for owls for as long as I can remember. One of my very first memories is of a bulletin board in my playroom with a tiny little owl in the corner of it, and that little owl was always my favorite thing about it. I have two fairly large owl tattoos. Owls have been present, in one form or another, in several important moments in my life. If I bought into the idea of spirit animals? The owl is for me, all the way. I do try, however, to not purchase every little owl thing that I see, and that's become challenging in the last few years. Owls are everywhere! They are, I think, the woodland creature du jour. Every now and again, though, I see one that needs to come home with me, and while browsing at a Japanese dollar store downtown recently, I found the little duder pictured above. He's pretty great, right?


  1. Yes, he's adorable! I've loved owls for a long time, too. They're such interesting creatures and so cool looking!

  2. if you have a love for owls you should check out yellow owl workshop - - super cute paper goods & bric a brac, much with an owl theme.

  3. thanks, audrey! i especially like their ceramics. i have such a thing these days for white ceramic!

  4. i once nursed a white had perched on our wall when it was severely ill!!

  5. love ur blog! <3
    let' s visit us

    xoxo k&m

  6. Haha he is so wonderfully cute! I love him!

  7. What a wonderful find! He is quite handsome!

    Love & Lollies... Jessa

    Caked Vintage Blog

  8. Such a cutie!
